Unit 3b Spence Mills, Mill Lane, Bramley




Spence Mills is located at the junction of Mill Lane and Broad Lane in Bramley, which is situated approximately 3 miles to the North West of Leeds City Centre. The estate is close to the main Bradford Road and therefore offers an excellent position to serve both the Leeds and Bradford conurbations. Local bus routes to Leeds and Bradford are from Broad Lane.

Spence Mills comprise a complex of single and two-storey construction surrounding a central courtyard. The premises are constructed in brick elevations beneath a pitched roof. The complex has been sub-divided to provide a wide range of industrial warehouse/ workshops and office units.

Unit 3B 2,120 sq ft (197 sq m) - £9600 per annum

The premises form part of a terrace and comprise a large workshop area with loading door and ancillary office and storage rooms. It is offered by way of a new flexible lease on effective full repairing and insuring terms for a term of years to suit.

At present no VAT will be charged on rents or services charges and the Landlord has no intention to start charging at the present time. However, the Landlord reserves the right to do so at a later date.

A service charge will be levied by the Landlord to cover the costs of keeping and maintaining the buildings and the estate, the provision of caretaking and security facilities as deemed necessary, and the cleaning and lighting of the common parts.

Business Rates

Interested parties should make their own inquiries from the Leeds City Council Business Rates department prior to making an offer.

Status Let
Type Industrial
Size 2,120 sq ft
To Let/For Sale To Let
Rent £9,600
Use Class B2 General industrial


Unit 3B Spence Mills
LS13 3HE

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